Last Updated: 28 October 2024

Pricing Schedule

Fee Type

Casual Visit Fee

Towel Hire fee

Overstay Fee

Tailgating Fee

Membership Transfer Fee

Locker Fee

Trespass Fee 

Cleaning Fee

No-show Fee



Amount ($)










Definition(s) of Fees and Charges

Casual Visit Fee:

A one-time charge for a 90 minute single visit session.

Towel Hire Fee:

A fee for renting a towel during a session.

Overstay Fee:

An additional charge applied when a guest exceeds the allotted time for their session, or fails to end their session properly.

Tailgating Fee:

A penalty fee charged when a guest allows access to the facility to a non-paying guest thus violating entry policies.

Membership Transfer Fee:

A penalty fee for transferring a membership to another person or account.

Locker Fee:

A penalty fee for taking possession of a locker without XtraClubs consent, or without assigning the locker for use using XtraClubs app.

Trespass Fee:

A penalty fee applied to individuals that remain at the facility beyond our standard opening hours..

Cleaning Fee:

A charge assessed if excessive cleaning is needed after a guest’s visit.

No-show Fee:

A fee incurred for when a guest continually fails to show up for a scheduled appointment without canceling, at the discretion of XtraClubs.